West Texas Mesquite Removal
When we talk about brush removal or brush clearing in West Texas, we are primarily talking about removing species such as grubbing mesquite trees as well as removing cedar (or Ashe Juniper and Eastern Red Cedar). Mesquites thrive in our arid West Texas climate because of their unique ability to draw up water. One single tree can consume up to 21 gallons of water per day due to their extensive tap root that has been known to reach depths of over 100 feet – allowing it to draw water from deep sources during drought conditions.
There are over 40 species of mesquite native to Southwest North America and South America. They are one of the toughest and most invasive species of tree and will quickly consume pastureland. They are also hard to eliminate from property because cutting them will not eliminate them, but actually increase their growth since the tree is capable of regrowing from the root. They also quickly become multi-stemmed and thus, even harder to eliminate.
Controlling mesquite is not a once and done job and you may need to employ many types of solutions to your pastures depending upon the age, structure and density of the mesquite infestation. How to Beat Mesquite
Brush-sculpting is a beneficial way to remove trees that is useful to both the wildlife and lifestock. Our goal is to carefully remove trees such as mesquite and brush without damaging beneficial trees and the ground, improving the natural beauty of your property. Each type of pasture or property should be handled differently so we recommend designing a brush clearing plan that best suits your particular needs and desires for your land.